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Special Themes




brighette's review

What Did We Miss? Special Theme
Best Video: La Manege

What a great song choice for the show; I loved the dreamlike quality it had, and how well you mirrored that in your clip choices and editing. You captured the relationship between Ned and Chuck; the longing to be together and yet how happy they are despite the separation they have to always maintain. The show is very lush in its colors, which translates into awesome clips to work with and you really worked it in well. The fields, the flowers, the coloring; I especially liked the repeated use of them dancing on the rooftop. And them holding their own hands... too cute! I only watched the first couple episodes of this show, but your vid lived up to the theme challenge - you made me want to go see what else I missed!

wolfpup's review

What Did We Miss? Special Theme
Best Video: La Manege

I've never seen this show before, but I fell in love with the "whimsy" of this vid. It left me with an overall feeling of wonder, love, and happiness... which is saying a lot when you have no connection with the characters or grasp of the show's concept. The use of movement was evocative (as it always is with your vids); the editing beautiful. My favorite part was from :17 to :37. I loved the smoothness of the music use and the feelings elicited by the clip combinations. A very "charming" vid to say the least!