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Special Themes




brighette's reviews

Best Video: Horror Film Special Theme

A very fitting tribute to Romero’s brilliant zombie films! The very beginning pulls you in, the heartbeat and little girl, the black and white clips, expertly transitioning to full bloody color…great job! I loved the editing and use of effects in this vid. Everything added to the feel and showed great awareness of the music – the ghosting, black and white, and still frames all worked very well without being overwhelming. And I loved the bridge at about 3:30, with the reverse repeat clips. The feeling throughout was gritty and creepy, and every second was action-packed! One of the best horror vids I’ve seen yet.

wolfpup's reviews

Best Video: Horror Film Special Theme

This vid was disturbingly awesome! I’m not a huge fan of horror movies, but this vid made me want to run out and watch zombie movies. *bg* The editing was amazing. I loved the flash to black and white when you stilled the clips, and the shaking effect was great. It added just the right amount of chaos and movement. I also loved the opening sequence before the vid jumped into the song. The contrast in motion was the perfect lead-in. Thanks for sharing!